As I hire for our new company I find myself insisting everyone get some stock who comes on bord, including the lower skilled people.

Im my eyes its not just the right thing to do, its good business. When employees own part of the company they tend to lookout for the company interests more.



If you want a more immediate incentive alignment, give existing employees a small pay raise 6 months after a new employee is on boarded. That way everybody wants to make sure the new employee is trained properly.

I’ve seen so many businesses where the boss man says “this is our new team member, clap clap clap welcome” and then everybody watches her fail. I’ve been on both sides of the equation, there.


Not sure infollow. Why would a team want a new employee to fail? Do they see the new employee as taking away their potential raise money?

Raises for anyone who took a cut for extra early equity will certainly happen. As for those already paid fairly they will likely get more equity.



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